Important Commands To Teach Your Dog

3 Most Important Dog Commands

teaching sit command

Top 3 Obedience Commands You Must Teach – and Why

When it comes to dog safety, obedience is critical. These three important commands to teach your dog are basic obedience rules no matter what type or breed. Rather than being restrictive, having a dog that is immediately obedient to certain commands gives your dog – and you – more freedom.

Your dog can get in all sorts of trouble without even trying. Dogs are curious and driven by their instincts, whether it be chasing a squirrel, reacting to other dogs or people, or just needing exercise. Having the influence over your dog to arrest their behavior at a moments notice is not just good manners,. The right training can, in some instances, save their life.

When Should You Use The Sit, Stay, Come Commands?

  • Your dog is in danger of running out in front of a car or running away
  • Chasing after a squirrel or a deer in the woods
  • Dog or human aggression incident
  • Danger of getting bitten by a wild animal that challenges it

When they are responsive to these commands – every time – you need not worry about taking them with you wherever you go. Even in your own home or yard, these commands can help your guests or visitors to your property feel safe as well.

3 Important Commands To Teach Your Dog

These simple obedience commands are a benefit not just to you, but to your dog as well. Teaching these disciplines is motivational for your dog not only physically, but mentally as well. Dogs crave the mental stimulation that learning new commands provides.

Command #2: “Sit!”

What: Teaching your dog to sit means having control over their natural impulse for ranging, wriggling, jumping. When teaching this, sit means sit. It doesn’t mean jump around and wag their tail for 30 seconds, or sit and then get up. It means butt on the ground, eyes and attention on you.

Why: The sit command should elicit an instant response from your dog. When your dog is sitting, she is still. When her attention is on you, she is not distracted or tempted by any distractions.  When a dog sits, they usually display an anticipatory body language. If they remain sitting, you will eventually see the body language relax. They may shift to one side and become less alert, but she will be awaiting your next command.

teaching the stay command

Command #1: “Stay!”

What: Like the sit command, the stay command keeps your dog under control. This can come in handy when you have someone at the door and you don’t want your dog to jump on them, or if guests are coming into your home.

Why: There are endless ways to use the stay command with your dog. Opening the door from your apartment building to the outside can be a prime opportunity for Fido to bolt for the street. Having coffee with a friend outside at Starbucks? The stay command can actually help your dog to relax and ignore distractions. On walks or hikes you may want your dog to sit and stay to let other hikers pass (particularly if either dog is aggressive).

Command #3: “Come!”

What: The “come” or “here” command could save your dog’s life.

Why: When it comes to everyday behavior, this command is invaluable in a number of ways. If a cat runs in front of your home, your dog is running toward the road, or you are playing with your dog in a public place such as a park or dog park. If  or toward some other form of danger, immediate response to this command could avoid serious injury or death for your pet.